A Globalize Curriculum: The Next Evolution of Education
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A Globalize Curriculum: The Next Evolution of Education

Our educational systems: primary, secondary, and higher education deliver content through predetermined curriculum. For progress to be made in preparing learners for their future, we must understand curriculum as a dynamic, iterative cultural artifact. Historically,…

The Life Lessons They Are Learning
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The Life Lessons They Are Learning

There is something very unsettling about an empty school building on a typical school day. The silence is like a heavy blanket that is muffling what the mind recalls as sounds of laughter, learning, and growth….

Build 360 Field Trips with Mozilla Hubs
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Build 360 Field Trips with Mozilla Hubs

Disappointed about the sunsetting of Google Expeditions and Tour Creator? We were too! But the offices at Ready Learner One were buzzing while we developed a solution that does more than replace these Google’s products……

What Is STEM Education and Why Is It Important?
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What Is STEM Education and Why Is It Important?

Originally published with Upjourney. “What Is Stem Education and Why Is It Important? (13 Experts).” UpJourney – Live a Happy, Healthy and Successful Life. 18 Nov. 2020. Web. 24 Nov. 2020. The acronym STEM has seen…

Five Ways To Make a Producer An Instructional Partner
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Five Ways To Make a Producer An Instructional Partner

Having an instructional partner is a great way to bring in another expert into the learning design as well as bring in differnt ideas.  So why not make a producer an instructional partner?  They are…

Advice on How to Reassure Your Team During COVID-19
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Advice on How to Reassure Your Team During COVID-19

As you navigate through this almost unimaginable situation, it can at times beoverwhelming. Your job as leaders is to calm ourselves the best we can and helpour teams through this challenge. It’s keenly important that…

Cybersecurity When Working Remotely
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Cybersecurity When Working Remotely

The COVID-19 health crisis has caused organizations to scramble quickly in order to scale systems and build new functionality outside of established practices and methods.  These rapid organizational changes expose organizations to new threats and…